Oil-Water Separation
There are several variables can significantly influence on the gravity oil-water separators performance, include: 1) flow rate [velocity through the separator], 2) oil gravity [density], 3) pH, and 4) temperature of the wastewater. The design flow rate (velocity through the unit ≤۳ feet per minute [fpm]) is critical for optimal performance. Lower pH (<7) enhances oil removal compared to higher pH (≥7). And as the wastewater temperature increases, oil removal through the unit will be improved.
Oil Trap
Most of the commercial restaurant and domestic house kitchen does not equip with the proper kitchen wastewater treatment. These wastes contain high concentrations of fat, oil, and grease (FOG) which are disposed into the sewerage network and increase the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO).
The most common and cheapest FOG treatment system is by using the gravity separation. However, in order to increase the efficiency of these systems, some of the researchers have been using natural materials to enhance the adsorption process of FOG. The establishment of a reliable FOG treatment system for each house based on the separation system might contribute effectively in the FOG removal concentration in the kitchen wastewater.
A grease trap is usually underground in an accessible area in the kitchen. When wastewater flows to grease trap, fats, oils and greases floats, while solids settle down the water to flow through and on to the city sewer system and the municipal water supply.
While grease traps separate FOG materials entering wastewater through dish washing, it’s very important not to pour grease directly down the drain. Grease can solidify as it travels through pipes, clogs and overflows that damage your plumbing system and potentially your local city sewage system.
API Oil-Water Separator
Description of the Design and Operation: The API oil-water separator is a gravity separation device to separate oil droplets from water based on their density and size. The design of the API oil-water separator is based on the specific gravity difference between the oil and the wastewater. Most of the suspended solids will settle to the bottom of the separator as a sediment layer, the oil will rise to top of the separator, and the wastewater will be the middle layer between the oil on top and the solids on the bottom.
Typically, the oil layer is skimmed off, and the bottom sediment layer is removed by a chain and flight scraper (or similar device) and a sludge pump. The water layer is sent to further treatment consisting usually of a dissolved air flotation (DAF) unit for further removal of any residual oil.
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۳ & ۴-sealed Gates- Sanitary Wastewater Treatment Package- Oil Remover- Water Desalination- Sludge Scrapper Bridge
A Typical Parallel Plate Separator (CPI)
Parallel plate separators are similar to API separators but they include tilted parallel plate assemblies (also known as parallel packs). Each parallel plate provides more surfaces for suspended oil droplets to rise to tank surface. Any sediment slides down the topside of each parallel plate. The parallel plates enhance the degree of oil-water separation so a parallel plate separator requires significantly less space than a conventional API separator to achieve the same degree of separation.
In Oily water treatment, bevel plates are used in CPI/ TPI separators to improve the performance and economy of the separator system. As corrugated plate packs are usually used, the bevel plate pack type separators are known as Corrugated plate interceptor or simply as CPI separators.
The corrugated plate pack in a TPI/ CPI separator, used in Oily water treatment for removal of free oil, consists of number of bevel parallel corrugated plates..
The number of plates in a Plate Pack is determined by calculations and technical experience on various usages. The number of Plate Packs per TPI/ CPI separator is calculated based on the effluent flow and its characteristics to the unit.
The stream to be treated flows through the spaces between the Corrugated Plates in each Plate pack. Ideal condition for separation is achieved by making a laminar flow condition through the plate pack.
DAF systems typical are designed to remove oils and greases (O&G) from a wastewater stream. Contaminants are removed using a dissolved air-in-water solution produced by injecting air under pressure into a recycle stream of clarified DAF effluent.
This recycle stream is then mixed with inflow in an internal contact chamber where the dissolved air comes out of the solution in the form of micron-sized bubbles that attach to the contaminants. The bubbles and contaminants rise to the surface and form a floating bed of material that is removed by a surface skimmer into an internal hopper for further handling.
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۳ & ۴-sealed Gates- Sanitary Wastewater Treatment Package- Oil Remover- Water Desalination- Sludge Scrapper Bridge